

IMPAWOS - IMPAWOS - Vplyv cudzích a pôvodných drevín na vegetáciu a pôdu: dve strany jednej mince?
IMPAWOS - Impact of alien and native woody plants on vegetation and soil: two sides of the same coin?
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Kanka Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: There is an ongoing debate whether introduced alien invasive species impose a greater threat to biodiversity than native species that are spreading in current, transformed landscapes. This question is important not only from the scientific point of view, but also for local managers, nature conservationists, and various stakeholders. Trees and shrubs often act as ecosystem engineers; they influence light conditions, the structure of vegetation, and co-occurring species. Their canopies serve as habitats for other organisms like birds, reptiles, or insects. Additionally, many tree species are important commodities in forestry, which makes them rather controversial if we consider their negative impact on biodiversity and ecosystems. IMPAWOS project will focus here on woody species and their impacts on vegetation, soil properties, and activity of soil biota and propose to establish microbiological analyses as new indicators of the soil health.
Duration: 1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025


Zmeny krajinnej diverzity a biodiverzity v horských a vysokohorských oblastiach Západných Karpát
Changes in landscape diversity and biodiversity in mountain and alpine areas of the Western Carpathians
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Barančok Peter, CSc.
Annotation: The Western Carpathians cover a significant part of Slovakia. The country is characterised by mountain and alpine areas with their typical landscape structure with various representation of forest and non-forest habitats. Natural and anthropogenic conditioned factors play a significant role in formation of the landscape character. The processes in the natural environment constantly influence landscape diversity and biodiversity, and nowadays, anthropogenic impacts are more and more significant. The project focuses on the assessment of landscape and biodiversity changes in selected areas affected by the effects of natural and anthropogenous stress factors in different time periods. Attention will be paid to the differentiation of landscape diversity and biodiversity changes that were caused by the natural development of the landscape, global factors impact, and the influence of man in the country. Anthropogenic impact will be assessed from the point of view of man`s historical activity in the country, the way and intensity of the land use, to the present-day impact affecting the overall status of the natural environment.
Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Vývoj pôdnych vlastností a vegetácie na bývalej poľnohospodárskej pôde
Evolution of soil properties and vegetation on the former agricultural land
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kollár Jozef, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the evolution of soil properties and vegetation in the abandoned agricultural land
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024