Basic Info

Halada, Ľuboš RNDr., CSc.
Research scientist, Director
Phone: 421 37 3229 3641
Fax: 037/7335 608
Dr. Ľuboš Halada is working in the area of landscape ecology, vegetation ecology, mountain research, biodiversity assessment and nature conservation. He participated (mostly as the leader of Slovak team) in projects of the 5-7th EU Framework Programme BIOPRESS, BioScene, BioHab, BIOFORUM, ALTER-Net,SENSOR, POINT, EBONE, OpenNess and Horizon 2020 projects eLTER, eLTER PPP and eLTER PLUS. He is an expert of the EEA European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity, he was member of the external monitoring team of LIFE Programme – responsible for monitoring LIFE projects in Romania, Czech Republic and Slovakia (2005-2017). He is national coordinator of the Long-Term Ecological Research network and representative of Slovakia in global network ILTER and European network LTER-Europe. He works actively in network Science for Carpathians as chair of its Scientific Steering Committee (2012-2014) and member of the Executive Committee (since 2010). The minister of Education, Science and Sport nominated him as the national delegate in the ESFRI Forum (2016).