Basic Info

Gajdoš, Peter RNDr., CSc.
senior scientist
Phone: 421 37 3229 3638
Fax: 037/7335608
Peter Gajdoš is senior scientist at the Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (ILE SAS), with expertise in conservation biology, animal ecology, biodiversity assessment and landscape ecology. Experience in nature conservation (9 years working in the State Nature Protection of Slovakia, manager of the Slovak team of the CORINE Biotopes project. Since 1998 working for the EEA - expert of EEA Phare Topic Link on Nature Conservation (1998-2001) and European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (since 2002 till now) concerning assessments for Annexes of the Habitats and Birds Directives and support to the Natura 2000 implementation processes in Phare and other European countries. Since 2005 to 2014 monitors the LIFE-Nature projects in Romania. He participated as expert or leader of the Slovak team in several projects of the EU Framework Programme and other international projects: e.g. EVALUWET-NAS, BIOPRESS, BIOSCENE, BIOPLATFORM, ALTER-Net, EBONE, LIFE-Astrale, etc. He led 6 projects of the Slovak Grant Agency, his research work is focused to wetlands, protected areas, mountains and agricultural landscape.