Scientific Board

The Scientific Board

The Scientific Committee of the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS represents an advisory board especially in the field of scientific issues. The committee is guided by the statute of ILE SAS approved by ILE SAS academia.

Board chairman: Lieskovský, Juraj, Mgr., PhD.

Board members: Kenderessy, Pavol, Mgr., PhD.

RNDr. Marta Dobrovodská, PhD.

Mgr. Andrej Halabuk, PhD.

External members of board:

František Petrovič, Prof. RNDr. PhD. (Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra)

Eva Pauditšová, RNDr., PhD. (Department of Landscape Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University)

Dušan Kočický, Mgr., PhD. (ESPRIT s.r.o.)