Organizational Structure

Director: RNDr. Ľuboš Halada, CSc.

Deputy Directors: Mgr. Henrik Kalivoda, PhD.

 Ing. Jana Špulerová, PhD.

Scientific Secretary: RNDr. Magdaléna Bezáková, PhD.

Scientific Board of the Institute leader: Mgr. Juraj Lieskovský, PhD.



Director’s Secretariat

Officer: Mgr. Andrea Kubáčková

(tel. +421 2 52493882, fax +421 2 5249 4508)

Department of ecosystem analyses

Head of the department: RNDr. Róbert Kanka, PhD.

(tel. +421 2 52494555)


  • analyses of biotic and abiotic elements of the environment
  • demecology and synecology
  • production ecology
  • environmental impact assessment

Department of landscape-ecological syntheses

Head of the department: RNDr. Marta Dobrovodská, CSc.

(tel. +421 2 52494555)


  • landscape-ecological analyses and syntheses
  • ecology of agricultural, forest and urbanised landscape
  • environmental limits
  • ecological problems in regions of Slovakia

Economic-technical section
Officer: Ing. Zuzana Kubicová

(tel. +421 2 20920329)

Section of science information
Officer: Alexandra Kocmanová

(tel. +421 2 20920323)

Editorial office Environment
Officer: Eva Orbánová

(tel. +421 2 20920318)

Editorial office Ecology (Bratislava)
Officer: Eva Orbánová

(tel. +421 2 20920333)


Nitra – branch of the Institute

Department of biodiversity of ecosystems and landscape

Head of the department: RNDr. Peter Gajdoš, CSc.

(tel. +421 37 7335 694)


  • structural and dynamic landscape ecology
  • mapping of biotops
  • biodiversity

Research station – Východná

Station is situated close to the Vysoké Tatry mts and the Nízke Tatry mts.

It offers opportunities for accomodation during field works as well as for organistion of scientific meetings. Accomodation capacity is 25 persons.