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7. March 2025

The keynote speakers for the IALE 2025 congress have been announced

The organizers of the European Congress of Landscape Ecology IALE 2025 are delighted to announce the names of the three keynote speakers. During the congress, which will take place from September 2–5, 2025, inspiring presentations will be delivered by Dr. Naomi Millner from the University of Bristol, Professor Marc Metzger from the University of Edinburgh, and Professor László Miklós from the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences.

More information about the keynote speakers and the congress itself can be found on the IALE 2025 website.

27. February 2025

IALE 2025 – competition for best rated poster


Landscape Ecology is proud to sponsor the book prize for the best poster at the IALE 2025 European Landscape Ecology Congress organized by IALE-Europe—regional chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology—, the Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University Bratislava, and IALE CZ.

This prestigious event will be held in Bratislava, Slovakia, from September 2-5, 2025.

For more information, please visit the conference updates and related journal articles on the Springer website and the IALE 2025 website.

27. May 2024

IALE 2025 European Landscape Ecology Congress information


Informational poster can be downloaded through the following link.


29. April 2024

Visit from Sherubtse college, Royal University of Kanglung, Bhutan.

On 24 April 2024, a rare visitor from the Sherubtse college, Royal University of Kanglung, Bhutan visited our institute (https://www.sherubtse.edu.bt). A team of university lecturers and students from the Sherubtse college is visiting the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra as a part of the Erasmus plus mobility program. Their visit to the Nitra branch of our institute was organized by Mgr. Veronika Piscová, PhD., and Ing. Regina Mišovičová, PhD. from the Constantine the Philosopher University. The guests from Bhutan were welcomed by the director RNDr. Ľuboš Halada, CSc., who presented the institute, its organizational structure, research focus, currently ongoing projects, as well as popularization and publication activities. We presented research on the Trnava LTSER platform with a movie authored by Ing. Svetlana Košánová and prof. Zita Izakovičová, PhD. Mgr. Juraj Lieskovský, PhD. impressed them with a presentation on the use of LIDAR. Very interesting for us was the presentation and short movie about the Sherubtse college and also about the country of Bhutan, presented to us by Dr. Yezer Yezer with colleagues Dr. Rinzin Choden, Dr. Karma Yangzom and Dr. Tshering Denker. We had the opportunity to see a piece of their kingdom, traditional national clothes, dances with masks and hear their songs. We also learned about the possibilities of studying at Sherubtse college, its organizational structure, current projects, plans and visions for the future. We ended the meeting with an interesting discussion about our countries, customs, current challenges and problems, especially in the field of research and higher education.

1. March 2024

Restore4Life: Call for Associated Regions

ILE SAS is involved to the Horizon Europe project “Restore4Life” that currently published call for grants for restoration of wetlands in “associated regions” – including Caucasus countries.

We are excited to invite you to apply to our Call for Associated Regions. We are looking for at least 5 Associated Regions to receive up to €100,000 to prepare roadmaps, plans, and projects to restore wetland ecosystems in their region. The Call for Associated Regions is specifically designed to engage and collaborate with Local and Regional Authorities.

The aim is to share the results and knowledge of the project on an ongoing basis with the selected ‘associated regions’ and to provide them with scientific and technical support for the implementation of wetland restoration solutions in their territory. This will involve the twinning of each Associated Region with a similar demonstration site and the provision of technical advisory services necessary to prepare roadmaps, plans and projects to restore ecosystems in the associated regions addressing possible barriers and showing the feasibility of implementing innovative solutions.

On March 22, from 10 AM CET, Restore4Life will hold an Interactive Workshop on the Application for the Open Call. The workshop aims to provide valuable insights, clarify any questions you may have, and offer guidance on creating a successful Open Call application. We believe this session will be instrumental in ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the application requirements and, in turn, contribute to the success of your submission. If you’d like to attend the Workshop, you should register here.

The Open Call closes on 29 May 2024 at 5 PM CET (Brussels time).

Stay updated:

To stay in the know, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter via our website. This is your gateway to receiving crucial information about the upcoming call and project outcomes.

If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact info@restore4life.eu.

Open Call


18. January 2018


The Institute of Landscape Ecology of SAS engages Slovak students and scouts in the decomposition experiment of the global study called Teatime4science.

The students from cpt. Nálepka elementary school (https://trojka.edupage.org/) in the Nové Mesto nad Váhom city and the scouts from the 41st T. Masaryk corps in Topolčianky participated at the global decomposition study Teatime4science. The decomposition is measured with use of nylon mesh bags containing plant material. The mesh bags are weighed, buried in the soil, and after a certain time they are digged out and weighted again. The loss of weight represents amount of material that has been decomposed (download instructions: http://www.teatime4science.org/wp-content/uploads/Czech.pdf). This simple and inexpensive method for measuring the decomposition rate was developed by Judith Sarneel of Umeå University in Sweden, in collaboration with scientists from the Netherlands, Austria and Vetenskap & Allmänhet in Sweden. The scientific relevancy of this new method has been already confirmed and experiments are currently taking place in different countries around the world. The students and scouts buried Lipton Rooibos and Green tea bags in June 2017. They digged out the tea bags in September 2017, and weighted them. The data were uploaded to the project web page (www.teatime4science.org), which also provides all the information about the experiment.

Contact person for ILE SAS: Mgr. Veronika Piscová, PhD.

e-mail: veronika.piscova@savba.sk

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